About Us

Naturally Beekeeping

Natural Beekeepers


Michele and Peter are bee people who very early on in their career understood the ‘Bees know Best’ and started to explore the world of natural beekeeping.

In their quest for knowledge they attended the first international natural beekeeping conference in the Netherlands.

Surrounded by likeminded academics and scientists they knew they were on the right path, to interfere as little as possible, not using chemicals, no artificial feeding, never importing foreign bees, concentrating only on local populations.

Understanding that creating an environment that sustains the bees and other pollinators is vitally important. They began providing wild flower gardens and orchards tailor made for businesses.

They were never interested in ‘Honey for Money’ leaving most of it on the hives to nourish the bees.
Taking honey from the hives is a simple process of spinning the comb and straining straight into jars without heating or over filtering, leaving all the valuable pollens and enzymes.

The honey is of extraordinary quality.

Michele De Havilland
Peter Hogson